Thursday, April 14, 2011


 These are some of the girls in Chiselet.

Okay, so friends of mine, ha-ha, Since I’m going to be in Romania for my birthday and I don’t know if you were/are planning on doing something for it or not, but I do have a birthday wish.
This summer in Chiselet (Romania), a village where I spend a some of my time; they are trying to plan a camping trip for five days for 80 youth.  The cost is going to be about $4,000 which sounds like a lot, but when you think about it, it really isn’t that much for 80 people for food, transportation, lodging, and stuff.  It comes out to $50.00 per person.
So now I will get to my birthday wish. You may be aware of the fact that I am a really hard person to buy gifts for; and when you ask me what I want, I never know… so here is your opportunity. I finally know what I want! This year for my birthday instead of sending me a card (as much as I would love getting a card from you) I would like for the youth of Chiselet to be able to go camping so much more! So here is what I’m asking you to do, whatever money you would have put into buying and mailing a card or present if I were home and I had a birthday party or something; instead give that amount to my mom and tell her what it is for, even though she would probably already know because you don’t normally just give her money.  You don’t just give my mom money do you? Well if you do you are for sure going to have to specify what it is for… ha-ha, so yeah give it to her and she will take good care of keeping track of it and getting it to me (you know she used to work in a bank?) And if you are not going to see my mom you can mail it to my house my address is: 331 Rosebud Road Myerstown PA 17067
Guys this would be the best gift ever! I mean cards are cool and gifts are neat and all; but, I really think this would be one of those things that goes beyond “Cool” and “Neat”.   I think that it will have an effect on the lives of the teens in this village.  These are teens that would not normally come to the church service, youth group, or the boys and girls program, but will come to this.  Seeds will be planted and souls will be won. I’m going to use a preacher line here and say “What gift is better than the gift of salvation?”  Thanks for being apart of my time here and praying for me and being supportive of me, may God bless you